GUE/NGL supports Parliament's position in deadlocked budget negotiations
Negotiations between the European Council and the European Parliament on the 2011 budget and on political guarantees for the future of European policies deadlocked completely last night.
The reason why these negotiations failed is that some governments maintained their refusal to debate future-related aspects, despite the previous agreement by the Council Presidency to put it on the agenda.
The GUE/NGL underlines that what was at stake during these negotiations was not a European budget that could be classified as mediocre; instead, the most stingy European Union governments took a forceful stance against the principle of European solidarity.
These governments, lead by the UK, Sweden and the Netherlands, which voted for an increase of European competences in the Lisbon Treaty, are now determined to reduce the EU budget. The idea of "delivering more with less money" calls into question the future financing of EU territorial and social cohesion policies, essential to employment creation.
This is what is at stake and is why the GUE/NGL supports the firm and responsible position assumed by the European Parliament's delegation.
Gianfranco Battistini + 32 475 64 66 28
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
David Lundy + 32 485 50 58 12
Gauche Unitaire Européenne/Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group