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GUE/NGL backs demonstration against postal services liberalization


14 Apr 2010


Health & Consumers

A delegation  from the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament will take part in tomorrow's demonstration in Brussels against the liberalization of postal services in Europe.


The demonstration begins at 2pm on Place Luxembourg, and the march will proceed through the EU district returning at 4pm to Place Luxembourg. The third European Postal Services Directive was adopted in February 2008 by the European Parliament with the completion of the liberalization of the postal market set for 31 December 2010.


The decision of the European Parliament to abolish the postal service monopolies by 2011 runs counter to the interests of the European population and favours the profit interests of private enterprises. A comprehensive, cost-effective and high quality universal service is incompatible with the profit maximization interests of corporations.

The GUE/NGL Group supports the campaign against the liberalization of postal services and will participate in tomorrow’s demonstration organised by trade unions and postal workers from across Europe.




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