GSE announces new improvements of the storage transparency initiative - Naftogaz of Ukraine joins Gas Storage Inventory (AGSI+)
Gas Storage Europe (GSE) is proud to inform that the GSE Transparency Platform (AGSI+) has been extended to include storage data for Naftogaz of Ukraine. With the data from Naftogaz AGSI+ for the first time expands its coverage beyond EU 28. For Ukraine in total 13 storage facilities representing a working gas volume of 32 BCM will be reported disaggregated on a weekly basis.
The GSE AGSI+ platform is accessible at: http://transparency.gie.eu
This huge boost in coverage is not the only step forward. GSE is continuously working on improving and extending the AGSI+ platform following the positive feedback from stakeholders who deem it a useful tool allowing to keep track on storage use across Europe. During the recent weeks GSE has invested a lot in its transparency work:
- AGSI+ delivers for almost all member states disaggregated data per storage facility or group of storages
- The coverage within the EU has increased with several new contributors; even non-GSE members increasingly use AGSI+ to provide transparency
- Several features were developed to allow interested parties to extract data or create individual graphs
- AGSI+ provides for the first time an European overview of operational availability of storage
- Access to AGSI+ is still free of charge
As on 05 May 2014 the GSE Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory has reported the total volume of gas in stock at around 50 BCM. Out of this 41 BCM are stored in EU 28. The current storage level is above recent years mainly due to mild winter and lower underlying demand but is also a result of the positions taken by storage users.
Nicole Otterberg, GSE president, stated: “Transparency on storage levels is a key indicator to measure security of gas supply in Europe. GSE is proud to expand the level of transparency by winning Naftogaz of Ukraine as a new contributor to AGSI+”.
Note to Editors
Gas Storage Europe (GSE) represents the interests of 32 Storage System Operators with around 100 storage sites in 16 countries in Europe, representing approximately 84 BCM, i.e. 87% of EU technical storage capacity. GSE is one column of GIE, Gas Infrastructure Europe, the European association of the Transmission, Storage and LNG terminal Operators. GSE is committed to improving the regulatory and investment framework for storage activities in order to help its members to continue providing secure, efficient and valuable storage services to the market.
AGSI+ delivers online daily data representing approximately 79 BCM, i.e. around 82 % of EU technical storage capacity. It shows for 31 storage operators in 15 member states volume in stock as well as the daily injection and withdrawal. In addition AGSI+ delivers weekly data for storages in Ukraine representing additional 32 BCM.
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Should you require any further information please contact:
- Philipp Daniel Palada
T : +32 2 209 05 07
M: +32 495 298 290
E: philipp.palada@gie.eu