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Greens remain force to be reckoned with in EU politics


26 May 2014


EU Elections 2014

Commenting on the initial published results of the European Parliament elections, Greens/EFA president Rebecca Harms said:

"The Greens remain a force to be reckoned with in EU politics based on the results of the European elections. While the composition of EP political groups will only be finalised in the coming weeks, it is clear the Greens/EFA group will remain an important player. This gives us a clear mandate to push for our policies to be implemented at EU level, notably as regards the future of EU energy policy, the EU-US TTIP trade negotiations and social justice, which are top of the EU agenda.

"The role of these elections in determining the presidency of the next European Commission must be respected by EU governments; there can be no backdoor deals in Council. EP political group presidents decided by majority before the elections that parliament would only support one of the leading candidates and this cannot be reneged on. The new Greens/EFA group will decide as regards potential support for a Commission president candidate in line with the priorities fixed in the European Green election manifesto and the priorities of the group."

European Green Party co-chair Monica Frassoni continued:

“The outcome of these European elections underlines the growing appeal of Green policies across the EU. The European Green family will have a wider geographic representation, following breakthroughs by Greens in new EU member states and renewed European Parliament representation in other member states. Our Green message is striking a chord with a wider European audience and this gives us a solid platform to push for the implementation of our policies at EU level."

* The initial official result estimates from the European Parliament can be found at:

The final composition of the political groups will only be finalised in the coming weeks.


Richard More O'Ferrall,
Press and media advisor, social media coordinator,
Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament
Mobile: +32-477-443842
Ph. +32-22841669 (Brussels); +33-388174042 (Strasbourg) - -


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