The Global Forum –Shaping the Future: «Innovative Ideas, International Network»
Global Forum 2011 is taking place on November Monday 7th & Tuesday 8th in Brussels at the Palais d’Egmont, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This 20th edition is organized in cooperation with Items International and the Sophia Antipolis Foundation with the support of the Belgian Federal Authorities.
The Global Forum 2011 will explore the topic of: «VISION FOR THE DIGITAL FUTURE; Mobilizing Organizations and People for Sustainable Growth».
The Global Forum often referred as the “Davos of IT” will welcome worldwide prominent actors of the public and private domain on this key sector in order to ensure a Global and sustainable Growth such as: Commissioner Robert McDowell, Federal Communications Commission-FCC, USA; Gianni Pitella, Vice-President European Parliament ; Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General Information Society & Media, European Commission; Commissioner Thomas J. Rosch, Federal Trade Commission-FTC, USA; Eleanor Stewart, Head of Digital Engagement, UK Government Digital Service, The United-Kingdom; Constantjin van Oranje, Member of Cabinet of Ms. Neelie Kroes, Vice-President for Digital Agenda European Commission; Valerian Vreme, Minister of Communications & Information Society, Government of Romania; Masahiro Yoshizaki, Director-General for Policy Evaluation, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan; Geert Bourgeois, Vice Minister-President, Flemish Government, Belgium; Edith Cresson, Former Prime Minister France; President Foundation Ecole de la Deuxième Chance, France.
The Global Forum will focus on crucial issues where ICTs play an important dimension such as Data Governance, EU Single Market, Open Innovation, Social Networking, eHealth, Sustainable Environment…. Those topics will be debated by high-level experts.
You can see the program and the profiles of the Global Forum 2011 speakers on the Download part of the website.
For 20th years the Global Forum / Shaping the Future took place in more than 15 towns across the world (in USA, Japan, the United-Kingdom, France, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Romania…) and managed each time to gather, for the 2 day think-tank, 300 experts to exchange and debate on the future of ICTs.
For more information:
Contact: Dr. Sylviane Toporkoff, President Global Forum - Shaping the Future -Tel: +33 6 09 67 33 28 - stoporkoff@items-int.eu
Sébastien Lévy, Vice-president du Global Forum - Shaping the Future - Tel: +33 6 74 87 82 81- slevy@items-int.eu
Hugo Kerschot, Managing Director, IS-Practice, representative Items International in Belgium – Tel: + 32 496 57 43 60 - hugo.kerschot@is-practice.eu