A global Europe – the role of transformative legislation: EuropaBio National Associations Council Summit 2023 (Spanish Presidency)
EuropaBio and its member AseBio, the Spanish Association of Biotechnology Companies, are delighted to invite you to the third National Associations Council (NAC) annual Presidency Summit. Under the title 'A global Europe - the role of transformative legislation', the Summit will be public and held online on June 22, 2023, from 14:00 – 16:00 CET.
After over 20 years of technological and scientific advances helping to address unprecedented health and food-security challenges for the Union, Europe is on the verge of revising its general pharmaceutical legislation and presenting its proposal on new genomic techniques for plants - critical policies for European patients, Europe's food security and the green transition.
Will the new proposal continue to support the healthcare innovation landscape, or will it drive investments outside of Europe and create additional hurdles for patients' timely access to innovative treatments? Will the long-awaited new genomic techniques proposal pave the way for a science-based, future-proof approach to food security and sustainability in Europe, or will Europe resign itself to importing biotechnology innovation?
National biotechnology associations, invited speakers from industry and policymakers will explore the latest policy proposals and developments and offer their insights into the upcoming work and ambitions of the Council Presidency.
'The impact of legislation is delivered at the national level for Europe. It is critical that national voices for science, patients, innovation and competitiveness lead the discussion, and we are proud that EuropaBio can deliver this for legislation across sectors,' said Dr Claire Skentelbery, Director General of EuropaBio.
Register for the Summit here.
Highlights from the National Associations Council Summit 2023 here and here.