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GIE updates the GLE LNG New Services Inventory


Fri, 05/26/2017



Today 24 May 2017, GIE releases the updated version of the GLE LNG New Services Inventory thanks to all LNG terminal operators in the EU that contributed with key input to this GIE initiative.

The LNG New Services Inventory provides an overview of the new services offered by the LNG terminal operators to meet the market needs, especially focusing on small scale LNG. A short summary of the five new services is explained below:

  • Reloading: Transfer of LNG from the LNG reservoirs of the terminal into a vessel (large and small scale)
  • Transshipment: Direct transfer of LNG from one vessel into another (berth to berth or ship to ship)
  • Small scale ship loading: LNG is loaded on ships with a maximum capacity up to 30.000 m3 LNG
  • Truck loading: LNG is loaded on tank trucks which transport LNG in smaller quantities
  • Rail loading: LNG is loaded on rail tanks which transport LNG in smaller quantities

The updated 2017 LNG New Services Inventory shows the following developments on the LNG terminal services in the EU:

  • A new record in truck loading was broken in 2016: more than 49,000 trucks supplied more than 2.1 million m3 LNG, which is the equivalent of 1.2 billion m3 natural gas. In comparison with the previous year, an increase of 12% in truck loading was registered.
  • The number of reloading, the transfer of LNG from the LNG reservoirs of the terminal into a vessel, tripled in the past 6 years.
  • In several EU countries (France, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain) rail loading is a service under study, whereas in France and the UK railway connection is already available.
  • Zeebrugge and Gate LNG terminals already performed small-scale ship loadings in 2016 and several other LNG terminals are developing the service. E.g. the Klaipeda LNG terminal in Lithuania performed its first small ship loadings in the beginning of 2017.

The GLE LNG New Services Inventory is accessible at:

Note to Editors

Gas LNG Europe (GLE) currently comprises 16 European LNG terminal operators from 9 countries, representing more than 90% of all the existing LNG regasification capacity in Europe. GLE is one of the columns of GIE, Gas Infrastructure Europe, the European association of the Transmission, Storage and LNG terminal Operators.

GLE is committed to promoting the development of a fully operational European internal market for LNG and the creation of a stable and predictable regulatory framework which is conductive to investments and which ensures transparency and non‐discriminatory treatment

Press Contact

Should you require any further information please contact:

Roxana Caliminte
T : +32 2 209 05 02


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