GIE publishes its investment survey on the occasion of its 10th Anniversary


Thu, 12/13/2012



Coinciding with the celebration of its 10th anniversary, GIE has released the results of its internal investment survey which show the level of investment made during the last 5 years by 50 gas infrastructure operators in Europe.


Ten years ago, gas transmission operators, gas storage operators and LNG terminal operators got together within what is now GIE to continuously exchange ideas and discuss the development of the European gas market with EU policymakers, EU regulators and other European stakeholders.

On 13 December, GIE was pleased to welcome almost 200 representatives from the EU institutions, EU regulators and gas industry to its 10th anniversary event. Director General for Energy at the European Commission, Mr Philip Lowe, joined GIE at this event and delivered the keynote speech.

Jean-Claude Depail, GIE President, said:"Looking back ten years, it is easy to realize that the gas infrastructure industry has experienced huge changes within the European gas market. However, I am sure that still more challenges are ahead of us. If there is a lesson that we can take from the past, it is that changes are accelerating at the European level. Things are moving faster and faster and we have to get ready for that. Up to now, I can say with satisfaction that GIE has been able to adapt to the changing priorities of the policymakers".

The significant investments made by GIE members during the last 5 years constitute one of the proofs of these huge changes, showing that gas infrastructure operators are committed to achieving a truly competitive, sustainable and more secure EU gas market.

If policy makers recognise the fundamental role that gas will play in 2050 and beyond, this trend will undoubtedly continue.


Evolution of gas infrastructure – The investment survey.


The survey gives an overview of the investments in gas infrastructure made between 2007 and 2011. The data has been voluntarily provided by 50 GIE members. The survey figures are provided by GIE in an aggregated format per activity: transmission, storage and LNG regasification.

GIE members participating in the investment survey are:

Adriatic LNG, Bulgartransgaz, Centrica Storage, Creos Luxembourg S.A, DESFA, DONG Storage A/S, Dunkerque LNG, E.ON Gas Storage Germany, E.ON Gas Storage Zrt Hungary, Elengy, Enagás, eustream, Fluxys Belgium, Fluxys LNG, Fosmax LNG, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Gas Transport Services, Gaslink, Gassco, Gasum, Gasunie, Gate terminal, GAZ-SYSTEM, GNL Italia, Grain LNG, GRTgaz, MMBF Zrt, NAFTA a.s., National Grid, NET4GAS, OMV Gas Storage, Open Grid Europe, Plinovodi d.o.o., Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG), POZAGAS, RAG, REN Armazenagem, REN Atlantico, REN Gasodutos, RWE Gas Storage, Snam Rete Gas, TRANSGAZ, SouthHook, Stogit, Storengy, Swedegas, TAQA, Thyssengas, Transport et Infrastructures Gaz France (TIGF)


The GIE internal investment survey shows that GIE members have been heavily investing more than € 7 bn/year on average during the last 5 years.



Note to Editors

Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) is an association representing the sole interest of the infrastructure industry in the natural gas business such as Transmission System Operators, Storage System Operators and LNG Terminal Operators. GIE has currently 70 members in 25 European countries.

GIE voices the views of its members vis-à-vis the European institutions, regulators and other stakeholders. Its mission is to actively contribute to the construction of a single, sustainable and competitive gas market in Europe underpinned by a stable and predictable regulatory framework as well as by a sound investment climate.

To find out more about GIE’s structure and activities, please visit our website at


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