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Future EU budget (MFF)


14 May 2013


EU Priorities 2020
Euro & Finance
EP must not back down on budget red lines

Commenting on the outcome of the first trialogue negotiations between the European Parliament and Council on the EU multiannual financial framework (2014-20), Green budgetary spokesperson Helga Trüpel said:

"There are worrying signs that the EP negotiating team will let itself be strong-armed into an agreement on the EU's future budgetary framework that fails to deliver on the core priorities set out by MEPs (1). MEPs made their position very clear in the resolution adopted earlier this year and the EP's negotiators must not back down on parliament's budget red lines: to do so would clearly undermine the credibility of parliament.

"Council must agree to concrete measures to deliver on the EP priorities, namely: increased flexibility; a clause for a compulsory revision after the 2014 elections by qualified majority voting; a genuine commitment to new own resources to finance the EU budget; and a budget that raises, rather than cuts, future-oriented spending. The EP negotiators cannot let themselves be 'bought off' with empty declarations on these issues.

"Parliament must continue to insist on its core demands, including a 'substantial increase' in budget lines for research, education and competitiveness. There are certainly savings to be made by dismantling national hobby horses, such as by cutting back subsidies for the agro-industry. However, at the same time we need to invest in future-oriented areas, such as research and innovation, sustainable development and programmes that will give European youth a better prospect. Without any moves to this end, prioritising sustainable economic recovery and green innovation, there can be no parliamentary approval for any MFF."

(1) See the common declaration by the 4 largest political groups issued in February:

Richard More O'Ferrall,
Press and media officer, Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament,
Ph. +32 477443842



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