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FEDSA Appoints New Head for EU Lobby


Tue, 09/07/2010


Health & Consumers

FeDSA has appointed Maurits Bruggink as its new Executive Director.  He will be responsible for spearheading the industry’s EU lobby, which is at a critical stage with the replacement of the 1985 Direct Selling Directive.  He will manage the FeDSA office in Brussels and report to FeDSA’s Chairman Philippe Jacquelinet, CEO of French company Captain Tortue.

“After the appointment of Professor Jules Stuyck as European Code Administrator last May, we are very pleased to have a seasoned government affairs professional like Maurits joining FeDSA” says Philippe Jacquelinet, “A new law will soon be introduced to address our sector and we want that the concerns of the industry are properly taken into account.  FeDSA supports a fully harmonised  legislation for our sector, maximising the opportunities of the Internal Market.  This is good for companies and consumers alike and will create many new jobs. “

“It will also be a pleasure to work under a new, more efficient federation structure, which members have approved at the end of last year” adds Maurits Bruggink, “Our members deserve a good representation with government, because Direct Selling has much to offer, in particular in times of economic hardship.” 

Dutchman and graduate of Leiden University, Maurits Bruggink, 47, has spent his career in strategic and lobby roles in a variety of companies and trade organisations in Brussels. Besides his native language, he speaks fluently English, German, French and Spanish.  Maurits Bruggink has taken up his position on 16 August 2010.

Maurits Bruggink, FeDSA Executive Director,
Tel  +32.(0)2. 736 10 14; Mobile +32 (0)491 086 536;

FeDSA ( is the leading representative body for the direct selling sector, whose members include 27 European Direct Selling Associations (DSAs), 22 of which in EU Member States. FeDSA represents directly through its corporate members and indirectly through the national associations over 1,000 direct selling companies with annual sales in excess of 20 billion Euro and 12 million independent direct sellers.

Direct selling is the marketing of consumer goods and services directly to consumers on a person-to-person basis, generally in their home or the home of others, at their workplace and other places away from permanent retail locations.  Direct selling typically occurs through explanation or demonstration by salespeople referred to as direct sellers.