F-gas latest: European Parliament asks for the impossible and does not care who pays the bill

Today the European Parliament’s Environment Committee voted for sweeping bans of f-gases in heat pumps, refrigeration and air-conditioning.

“Industry supported an ambitious climate change law to radically reduce f-gas emissions by 65% by 2030. We also supported innovative market-mechanisms to achieve this reduction which balanced environmental ambition and cost-effectiveness. We are very disappointed that the Environment Committee has chosen the course of command and control politics with the highest price tag that Europeans will have to pay for,” stated Andrea Voigt representing EPEE.

F-gases are used in a multitude of products that heat, cool and chill our homes, supermarkets and buildings. They are used because they are safe, efficient, and don’t harm the ozone layer but they are greenhouse gases and need to be regulated closely.

EPEE members are always looking for the optimal refrigerant solution, but there is no perfect refrigerant suitable for all applications. So laws need to be flexible to able to cope with the many technologies and sectors involved.

EPEE calls upon decision-maker to continue to support a phase-down to achieve Europe’s climate objectives and sustaining a 30 billion economy, over 200,000 direct jobs and millions of indirect jobs in Europe.

About EPEE: The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE) represents the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump industry in Europe. Founded in the year 2000, EPEE’s membership is composed of 40 member companies, national and international associations.

EPEE member companies realise a turnover of over 30 billion Euros, employ more than 200,000 people in Europe and also create indirect employment through a vast network of small and medium-sized enterprises such as contractors who install, service and maintain equipment. EPEE member companies have manufacturing sites and research and development facilities across the EU, which innovate for the global market. As an expert association, EPEE is supporting safe, environmentally and economically viable technologies with the objective of promoting a better understanding of the sector in the EU and contributing to the development of effective European policies.

Please see our website (www.epeeglobal.org) for further information. For contacts: secretariat@epeeglobal.org or +32 4 88 77 41 66



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