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Eurovignette: EU Member States must now earmark revenues to effectively green road transport!


07 Jun 2011



 As today’s vote of the European Parliament de facto fails to green road transport by not making mandatory the earmarking of the Eurovignette revenues and only creates a new tax on already heavily taxed road transport services, IRU calls on governments - if implementing the Directive - to earmark such revenues at national level to effectively meet the objectives of the EU transport Policy White Paper.


The Eurovignette Directive proposed by the EP TRAN Committee and the Council of Ministers adopted today by the European Parliament turns the Eurovignette merely into a heavy, additional new tax to be paid by EU citizens for any road freight service, which will penalise the EU economy and job creation with no environmental benefits. Indeed, the new text does not require the mandatory earmarking that could effectively reduce at-source the externalities produced by commercial road transport.

President of the IRU EU Goods Transport Liaison Committee, Alexander Sakkers, stressed: “While the road transport industry is strongly committed to further greening its services, this new tax imposed on road transport services through the Eurovignette Directive will actually impede operators from investing in and implementing the best technologies and techniques crucial to further green road transport and meet the CO2 reduction target.”

Alexander Sakkers continued by saying that “The IRU therefore calls on each EU Member States to fully earmark all the revenues from this new fiscal charge to road transport projects, in order to meet the objectives of the new EU Transport Policy White Paper and effectively green road transport.”

Instead of greening road transport, the current Directive allows each EU Member State to further penalise the EU economy and employment by applying yet another new tax on a vital production tool - road transport, that is regrettably the only transport mode which already largely covers its infrastructure costs and externalities through the numerous existing tolls, fiscal charges and excessive excise duties.

IRU General Delegate, Michael Nielsen, added, “As the new Directive obliges Member States to be fully transparent on the revenues they collect from both current infrastructure and potential future external cost charges and their use, the IRU jointly with its Member Associations in every EU Member State will closely monitor for what purpose this new tax, collected in the framework of the Eurovignette Directive, will effectively be used by national governments.

Michael Nielsen concluded that “IRU Members will also check and ensure – as indicated by the European Commission - that all other transport modes also fully pay for their infrastructure use and externalities in order to create a level playing field for all modes.”

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Press Office International Road Transport Union (IRU)

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