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European Working Time Directive


31 Mar 2009


Health & Consumers

The Conciliation Process of the EWTD goes into the next round: Delegations of the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council are continuing their talks on
Wednesday to amend the European Directive that represents the cornerstone of labour protection in the European Union.
We are warning the Council and the Commission not to proceed along their path of diluting basic protection of hard working personnel in the health-care industry. Doctors
and nurses deserve decent working hours, fair regulation of overtime and health protecting rules of on-call-duties.

The propositions of the Commission and the Council are an attack on labor rights. The introduction of “inactive” times during on-call-duties constitutes an attempt to let nurses and doctors work up to 70 hours and more a week. This not only puts the health of these hard working people at risk, it also endangers patients who find themselves confronted with overworked and tired doctors and nurses.
We urge the Delegation of the European Parliament to remain firm in their convictions.

All time spent on call must be counted as working time. There is no room for dangerous derogations.
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For more information, contact:
CPME Secretary General
Tel.: +32 2 732 72 02
Fax: +32 2 732 73 44
For more information about CPME, consult our website:
The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), representing about 2 million doctors
through the National Medical Associations of the European Union / European Economic Area,
aims to promote the highest standards of medical training and medical practice in order to
achieve the highest quality of health care for all citizens of Europe.


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