European statistics on waste: a reliable and robust method must be found to assess recycling performance.
21st of April 2016, Brussels, FNADE, the French professional organisation representing the industrial operators of waste management, took note of waste statistics recently published by Eurostat[1]. The figures are based on biased reporting practices. These data therefore reflect the same weaknesses as in the past, in terms of reliability and comparability.
FNADE shares the vision supported by the European Union of a circular economy using waste as a real resource. Thus, FNADE welcomes the new figures confirming the growth trend of recycling and composting observed in previous years, with a recycling rate of waste by 44% for the year 2014,.
However, FNADE notes that these performances are still calculated with non-comparable data or unreliable ones in some countries. Indeed, the waste framework directive is based on four different reporting methods left to the free interpretation of each Member State. However it is essential that the performances officially published truly reflect the real situation. Otherwise the design of public policies related to waste and, more broadly, to the circular economy, do not take into account, in all their dimensions, the required efforts and the public costs to engage.
Therefore, FNADE reiterates its support to the use of a single, reliable and robust calculation method, equally applied across Europe. This method exists, it is described in the Eurostat manual[2] and involves defining, as the calculation point of the recycling performance, the output of the sorting plant. This point is in the heart of the treatments aiming at extracting the recoverable material waste before reincorporation, it is upstream of the current proposal of the European Commission.
This method has the advantage of taking into account, homogeneously and with guaranteed traceability, the quantities of material for recycling before export or before end-of-waste status.
As a committed actor in recycling and material recovery, FNADE resolutely proposes a simple and consistent calculation method, without additional reporting effort, based on strong traceability required by the waste regulation.
Calculation of the recycling rate: FNADE recommends retaining as calculation point the output of sorting plant.
FNADE, the French national federation for waste management and environmental services, is a professional organisation which represents the environment industry. Its members include service providers, manufacturers, research departments and equipment manufacturers which are active in the field of waste management or environmental services. It is made up of 234 private companies, 52,955 employees in France, €11.3bn of turnover and 932 operating sites. It is a member of the European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services (FEAD)
Brussels: Valérie Plainemaison
v.plainemaison@fnade.com Tel: +32 2 230 65 50
Rue Philippe le Bon, 15 - B 1000 Brussels
[1] http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/6757479/8-26032015-AP-EN.pdf/a2982b86-9d56-401c-8443-ec5b08e543cc
[2] Guidance on Municipal Waste Data Collection, November 2012: “Recycled materials are those collected selectively at source or from waste collection sites, not including rejected materials but including materials recovered from MBT as well as post-incineration metals.”