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European Pillar of Social Rights: SGI providers and Social Dialogue are essential for the socio-economic recovery


Thu, 03/04/2021


Social Europe & Jobs

On Thursday 4 March, the European Commission presented its European Pillar of Social Rights’ Action Plan. Aimed at further reinforcing the social dimension of the EU, the Action Plan highlights upcoming actions and initiatives to bring to life the European Pillar of Social Rights endorsed by EU leaders at the 2017 Social Summit in Gothenburg.

Following up on the publication, Valeria Ronzitti, SGI Europe General Secretary, said:

"We welcome that services of general interest as provided by our members are well identified throughout the Action Plan. SGIs are an essential ingredient for the economic and social recovery, and there is now a strong need to invest in those services to achieve progress.” 

“Thanks to a constructive and constant dialogue with the European Commission, SGI providers are now out of the NGO realm, with their job creation potential at the forefront of the EU agenda. Going beyond principle 20, our members are fully committed to the realisation of the whole Pillar of Social Rights and play a key role in shaping the future of the welfare state. We therefore stand ready to be an active member of the upcoming High-Level Expert Group on the future of the welfare state.”

“We call on the Commission to be constructive when it comes to social dialogue. The autonomy and right of the social partners to set their own agenda is something that cannot be put into question. Whilst recognising the importance for the European Commission to respond to European Parliament resolutions, the respect of article 154 TFEU and the recognition of the capacity of employers and workers to find the right solution should always prevail.” 

“Social partners are definitely the best placed to bring effective and innovative solutions on issues such as telework, digitalisation or working time. The EU institutions must trust our ability to deliver results.” 

You can find more on SGI Europe messages and priorities on our website:



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