European, Japanese and American heavy-duty vehicle and engine manufacturers call for global policy cooperation to improve energy efficiency of road freigh transport
Brussels, 3 December 2009 – The world’s leading heavy-duty vehicle and
engine manufacturing companies urge the close cooperation between policy
makers in Europe, the United States and Japan to develop practical and
effective fuel-efficiency measurement metrics, methodologies and
regulations which would then be used all around the globe.
Over a dozen chief executives of the global commercial vehicle industry –
including Caterpillar, Cummins, Daimler, Hino, Isuzu, Iveco, Mack, MAN,
Mitsubishi Fuso, Navistar, Nissan Diesel, Scania, Volvo and Volkswagen,
met today in Brussels to discuss various opportunities and needs their
industry is facing. The discussions focused primarily on the issues of
climate change and global energy security, but also covered global air
quality- related emissions standards, improved fuel quality and
specifications for renewable fuels.
The manufacturers agreed to actively encourage global policy cooperation
and to provide their expertise to ensure that regulatory developments
enhance the industry’s technological progress within realistic time and
economic constraints. “A coordinated global approach for our industry is
the most effective way to contribute to achieving global fuel efficiency
improvements from the road freight sector”, said Leif Östling, Chief
Executive Officer of Scania and Chairman of the ACEA Commercial Vehicle
Board, who hosted the meeting in Brussels. “We serve a global market
place, and want to avoid conflicting regulations from different regions.
That is simply too costly, and impedes technological progress.”
“The world’s leading commercial engine and vehicle manufacturers are well
aware of the importance of fuel efficiency to their customers and support
gobal efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Global cooperation in
developing specific requirements, as well as metrics and methodologies to
evaluate fuel efficiency, provides needed elements to further improve the
environmental performance of our vehicles and increases the efficiency of
goods transport. That will serve both our customers and the environment,”
added Östling.
It is the seventh year that the chief executives of the global commercial
vehicle and engine manufacturers met to address important industry issues
on a global level. The meetings bring together representatives of the
European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), Japan Automobile
Manufacturers Association (JAMA), Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA),
and Truck Manufacturers Association (TMA).
Continuing the progress made at previous meetings, the executives
discussed how the global harmonisation of technical standards affecting
heavy-duty engines and vehicles could further improve environmental
performance and road freight movement efficiency.
Among the key topics addressed at the meeting were:
Ongoing activities in Japan, US and EU on fuel efficiency of
heavy-duty vehicles
Progress in developing a globally accepted method for the
certification of heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles
The use of computer simulations to evaluate fuel efficiency of
the diverse commercial vehicle configurations and usage
The positive outcome of the UNECE efforts in establishing a
Global Technical Regulation for gaseous emissions testing of
heavy-duty engines (WHDC gtr)
As a result of today’s meeting, the chief executives agreed to initiate
through OICA a proposal to UNECE to develop a certification procedure of
heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles based upon the HILS procedure used in
Japan and to ask UNECE to address this issue with urgency.
Furthermore, and in relation to exhaust emission requirements, the
manufacturers agreed to recommend the introduction of legislative
requirements regarding market fuels, in order to ensure that the
appropriate, high-quality fossil and renewable fuels are globally
available for today’s vehicle technologies. The commercial vehicle
industry will work with the oil industry to underline the importance of
this issue and ensure a constructive dialogue.
Considering the positive outcome of the UNECE process on establishing a
harmonised engine certification procedure for emissions related to air
quality, the chief executives encourages UNECE to take advantage of this
momentum and initiate activities with the objective to develop metrics
and methods to measure fuel efficiency of heavy-duty vehicles and engines
and for evaluating fuel efficiency improvements of components related to
air and rolling resistance.
Mr Daniel Ustian, Chairman, President, and CEO of Navistar, extended an
invitation to the eighth Global Commercial Vehicle Industry Meeting in
the USA in 2010.
For further information regarding the meeting, please contact:
Europe Sigrid de Vries ACEA +32 2 738 73 45
Japan Yoshihiro Yano JAMA +81 3 5405 6126
USA Joseph Suchecki EMA/TMA +1 312 827 8700