The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and CPME: a robust partnership contributing to a brighter fu
CPME supports and contributes to the Action Plan on prevention of frailty and functional decline
"Today the Action Plan on the prevention of frailty and functional decline offers concrete deliverables and a timetable for action. Nevertheless, from a practical and realistic standpoint, much can still be done by all stakeholders involved in health care. In this sense, I salute the European Commission for acknowledging the efforts that European doctors do on healthy ageing and express our continued support for addressing key challenges for the ageing EU population.”
CPME President, Dr Konstanty Radziwill
CPME considers that active and healthy ageing as well as the social cohesion of EU policies concerning senior citizens are instrumental to improve the quality of life throughout the lives of EU citizens. In 2011, CPME became a partner of the European Commission’s European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPAHA) and remained engaged ever since. The overarching target of this pilot project is to raise the average life in good health expectancy by two years by 2020, while empowering citizens to live healthy, active and independent lives while ageing and improving the support and sustainability of social and health care systems all around Europe.
In one of EIHAPA’s action groups, CPME is committed to health literacy programmes which focus on the awareness of senior citizens’ challenges of frailty and functional decline. Patients’ involvement and empowerment are cornerstones of better health.
Furthermore, CPME agrees that the validation of a comprehensive management programme which develop principles and guidelines for the prevention of functional decline and frailty will play a relevant role in the future of health management, prevention and promotion. In I2FRESCO - an EIPAHA consortium – CPME is fully-committed to present all the results and deliverables by the 2nd quarter of 2014, meaning that further documents will be made available during 2013. The consortium is supporting the enhancement of participation and independence of senior citizens by promoting cooperation as well as innovative cross-sector European collaboration.
All CPME Policy documents are available at: http://www.cpme.eu/policy.php
For more information, please contact:
Birgit BEGER CPME Secretary General Tel.: +32 2 732 72 02 Fax: +32 2 732 73 44 e-mail: anamaria.corca@cpme.eu