European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, an effective tool that we must improve to better combat unemployment in Europe. Barbara Matera MEP
"With the European unemployment rate approaching 10%, the national budget's difficulties to allocate resources to combat the crisis and the importance of promoting human capital, drive to a need to promote actions and targeted strategic policies at European level. With this objective, the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was conceived", said Barbara Matera MEP, Standing Rapporteur for the European Parliament on the EGF today in Brussels. Key speakers such as the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Lazslo Andor and the Italian Minister for Welfare, Maurizio Sacconi were in attendance.
Since its creation and its effective operability in 2007, the EGF has helped over 70,000 workers in Europe, through the appropriation of €350 million for second or third level training programs for redundant workers. EGF programs are an integration process with respect to actions financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).
Having been established only a few years ago, the EGF has to be improved and this is why the European Parliament's Budget Committee has identified the simplification of procedures and a quicker funds allocation, because "the timeliness of this instrument is the very reason for its existence", said Barbara Matera.
The European Commission has already reacted quickly to the Parliament's inputs by allocating almost €50 million for the EGF budget line in the 2011 budget. This is a sign of confidence in the effectiveness of the Fund and a first step to make it autonomous", said Ms Matera. And in this regard, Commissioner Andor, in his speech, promised support from the European Commission for EGF future improvements underlining how useful it is for European workers.
"I really believe in this instrument. This is why I took the initiative to write an explanatory brochure intended for distribution in all 27 Member States. I am pleased that today the Italian Minister for Welfare, Maurizio Sacconi has welcomed my initiative by offering to further spread the information in this specific case in Italy. I hope that this initiative will be made possible in other Member States also", said Barbara Matera.
(Translation from the original Italian)
For further information:
Barbara MATERA MEP, Tel. +32-2-2845236
Francesco Frapiccini, EPP Group Press and Communication Service, Tel: +32-473-941652
Notes to Editors:
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 265 Members.