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European Cloud Partnership hailed by ITC sector


Thu, 01/26/2012



Brussels Thursday, 26 January 2012 DIGITALEUROPE very much welcomes the announcement in Davos by Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission, of her proposal to establish a European Cloud Partnership between government and industry. We also support the initial focus of the partnership to promote the adoption of cloud computing in the public sector. John Higgins, Director General, said: “Cloud computing has the potential to enable better public services for less cost. Widespread adoption in the public sector will drive awareness, trust and confidence in cloud services which in turn will be good for the European cloud services market.”

DIGITALEUROPE’s earlier recommendations are set out in our January 2012 Cloud position paper and we think this partnership could be an excellent way of delivering on some of them, namely an online portal to share best practices for public cloud computing, a European Cloud Observatory, transparent interoperability requirements and support to global standards wherever possible.  

More information on DIGITALEUROPE position can be found here:


Media Enquiries:

Natalia KUROP – DIGITALEUROPE, Director Communication & Marketing

E : F. +32 2 609 5339 >> M. +32 487 340 571


DIGITALEUROPE (, is the voice of the European digital technology industry. Our membership includes large and small companies in the Information and Communications Technology and Consumer Electronics Industry sectors. DIGITALEUROPE membership is composed of 61 major multinational companies and 41 national associations from 29 European countries. In all, DIGITALEUROPE represents more than 10,000 companies all over Europe with more than 2 million employees and over EUR 1,000 billion in revenues.


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