European cities exchange winning energy strategies at EUSEW seminar
24 March 2010
Environmental and economic benefits make local governments decide to choose
cogeneration in order to meet their increasing energy needs.
COGEN Europe and Berlin Energy Agency organise on 25 March a seminar at the EU Sustainable Energy
Week (EUSEW) on “Promoting innovative cogeneration in cities”. This half-day seminar is an official event
of the EUSEW, the reference European event for energy efficiency and renewable energy, which focuses
this year on Europe’s cities and their efforts in the fight against climate change.
One outstanding example of the promotion of cogeneration by a city is Berlin. Its campaign “KWK
Modellstadt Berlin” (CHP Pilot City Berlin) shows how to promote cogeneration in an urban environment
and how to combine cogeneration with other innovative technologies and with renewable energy sources.
The Berlin successful experience can be seen in the light of the firm move of national policy towards
energy efficiency and cogeneration. In 2007, the German Federal Government launched an Integrated
Energy and Climate Programme (IECP) that will set global standards and set out an appropriate response
for a modern economy. It includes the aim of increasing the share of high-efficiency cogeneration plants in
electricity production will be doubled by 2020 from the current level of around 12% to around 25%.
"Therefore, we have amended the Combined Heat and Power Act, which promotes the construction of
new plants and heat grids, to serve this goal", says Wolfgang Mueller, Deputy Head of Division for
Energy Efficiency in the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety. Furthermore, cogeneration is promoted in the amended Renewable Energy Sources Act. "The
interim audit of the IECP will show, whether we are on the right track" according to Mueller, who speaks
at the COGEN Europe/Berlin Energy Agency seminar.
Other pilot cities will present their experience at the seminar (e.g. Paris, Frankfurt and Riga). Stakeholders
such as the European Commission, Energie-Cités and Dalkia will discuss their views on how to promote
these best practice cases to other cities and regions in Europe. The seminar will take place on Thursday 25
March 2010 starting at 9.15 o’clock at the Centre A. Borschette (Room 1A), rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels,
For more information please contact:
Stefan Craenen, Communication Manager
COGEN Europe
Tel: +32 2 772 8290
Fax: + 32 2 772 5044
Email: stefan.craenen@cogeneurope.eu
Achim Neuhaeuser, Deputy Division Manager,
Berlin Energy Agency
Tel: +49 30 29 33 30 – 601
Fax: +49 30 29 33 30 – 99