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European Association Summit 2017: a successful new edition!


01 Jun 2017


Global Europe
Public Affairs


Brussels, 1 June 2017


European Association Summit 2017: a successful new edition!

With a 30% increase in interest compared with the previous edition, the European Association Summit has become a reference point when it comes to gatherings of representatives from international associations.

With almost 200 participants, the European Association Summit has confirmed its unforgettable conference status for representatives from international associations. This is a real opportunity for exchange owing to its new formula offering three plenary sessions and 20 themed sessions staggered over an event lasting two full days.

Numerous themes covered…

After an introduction concerning an innovative change vector presented by the Chairman of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Jean-Paul Philippot, visitors took part in workshops on different themes. Meeting in the Square, the associations also became more informed on fields such as finance, surveys, campaigns, strategy or management of partnerships, owing to experts from international associations and partners coming from different sectors.

A new European dynamic

The conference ended by addressing the issue of cooperation for a stable European future owing to an exchange between the European Union’s think tank and international associations. There great recognition has been expressed for work carried out over these last few years in debates on the environment, climate and other social issues.

The European Association Summit was also an opportunity for to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Association Bureau, whose aim is to assist international associations in their activities in Brussels owing to an unique point of contact.

Brussels takes first place as a city organising events in Europe. More than 200 international associations have set up their registered offices there and have found answers to various questions from international federations linked with the Association Bureau.

Brussels, as first destination for international associations, should welcome such a meeting of professionals.

The Chairman for the 2017 publication of the event, Mr. Mohamed Mezghani of the International Public Transport Union, has emphasised the event’s great quality owing to almost 35 speakers present and the very active involvement of participants coming from all orbits.

The next edition of EAS will unfold at the beginning of March 2018.

More information:

Association Bureau :


Press Contact: Noémie Wibail : +32 490 49 43 84 –


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