Europe should step up research and funding to combat suffering from Alzheimer´s


Wed, 01/19/2011


Health & Consumers

The European Parliament adopted today a report on a "European initiative on Alzheimer´s disease and other dementias" which calls for concerted action not only in promoting awareness but also the need for public policies and concrete responses to this disability.

The main objective of the report is to give more serious recognition of the disease and its wide implications for families, carers and society at large. The report highlights the need to better ensure the quality of life through early and accurate diagnosis and thus reduce the number of people suffering.ries90.jpg

"The fight against Alzheimer´s disease has finally been recognised as a priority in recent years. This  form of cerebral aging affects over seven million Europeans. There are currently over 10 million people   living with all types of neurodegenerative diseases", said Frédérique RIES (MR, Belgium).

"We welcome the existing European funding but we have to concentrate on better coordination of medical research, early diagnosis, focusing on prevention and ensuring sufficient funding."

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