Europe’s F word – Federalism or Fragmentation
Joining forces for the fourth Brussels Think Tank Dialogue on April 22, ten leading Brussels-based think tanks will debate “Europe’s F word – Federalism or Fragmentation” with key EU policymakers including European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, and Herman Van Rompuy, European Council President.
During day-long discussions, think tank representatives, MEPs, EU officials and diplomats will also seek new responses to three key challenges facing Europe:
- The need to draw up a new job-generating EU industrial policy,
- Setting future directions for Europe’s internal energy market,
- Rethinking the EU’s post-crisis global role in a changing world
Jointly organised by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, Bruegel, the Centre For European Policy Studies (CEPS), Confrontations Europe, the Egmont Institute, the European Policy Centre (EPC), Friends of Europe – Les amis de l’Europe, the Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri), Madariaga College of Europe Foundation and the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), the Brussels Think Tank Dialogues are annual policy forums for critical reflection on the state of the EU and the joint development of analysis and recommendations to improve EU policies. The Dialogues are designed to address pressing political concerns, as well as to offer recommendations on more specific issues.
This fourth dialogue will be comprised of five plenary sessions that will provide cutting-edge policy analysis and hammer out recommendations through open discussion.
For more details about the event and the full programme, click here.
For further information and comments, or if you wish to arrange an interview with one of the Directors, please book it with the corresponding contact below. To register, send an email to leire.ariz@bruegel.org.
Bertelsmann Stiftung: thomas.fischer@bertelsmann-stiftung.de
Bruegel: leire.ariz@bruegel.org @Bruegel_org
CEPS: marco.incerti@ceps.eu@CEPS_thinktank
Confrontations Europe: vollivier@confrontations.org
The Egmont Institute: t.renard@egmontinstitute.be
EPC: A.Williams@epc.eu
Friends of Europe: Patricia.Diaz@friendsofeurope.org
IFRI: pertusot@ifri.org @IfriBxl
Madariaga: bdeal@madariaga.org @MCFBrussels
SWP: Markus.Mayr@swp-berlin.org @SWPBerlin