Europe needs labour law fit for the 21st century says Eurociett as Tripartite Social Summit discusses reforms needed for job creation
Brussels, 24 March 2011; As the Tripartite Social Summit meets to discuss growth and jobs in times of budgetary/fiscal consolidation, Eurociett , representing the agency work industry in Europe, highlights agency work’s role in creating jobs and calls for Europe to recognise the need for a diverse range of contracts to meet the needs of today’s workplace.
With unemployment running at some 9.5% for the EU 27, policymakers are rightfully focused on job creation. “The latest figures demonstrate that those countries that have reformed their labour markets suffered least in the downturn and have recovered most successfully,” said Denis Pennel, managing director of Eurociett. “Unemployment has fallen from 7.3% in January 2010 to 6.5% in January 2011 in Germany. In Sweden, unemployment has gone from 8.9% to 7.9% in the same period. These figures are matched by strong growth in the agency work industry in those countries in 2010 (+27% growth in both countries).
Labour market regulations in most countries are still based on the full-employment, industrial-based economies of the mid-20th century, with workers rights and welfare entitlements linked to their employer and based around permanent work contracts. Private employment agencies are capable of offering a range of services to both employers and workers that meets the new reality of European labour markets.
“Policymakers and social partners will need to modernise labour laws; make health and social protection portable and transferable; develop economic and work security and facilitate labour market transitions. By tackling these issues now policymakers will drive labour market participation and help the EU to meet its employment targets of 75% employment rate by 2020,” concluded Pennel.
About Eurociett
As the European Confederation of Private Employment Agencies, Eurociett is the authoritative voice representing the common interests of the agency work industry in Europe. Eurociett gathers 30 national federations from EU and EFTA countries, and 7 of the largest international staffing companies as corporate members. Its main objective is to seek greater recognition for the positive role private employment agencies play in the labour market.
For further information, please contact:
James Gribben
Communications and Economic Affairs advisor
Tel: +32 2 421 15 87
E-Mail: james.gribben@ciett.org