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EuropaBio Welcomes the Launch of the High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies (KET)


14 Jul 2010


EU Priorities 2020
Trade & Society

Brussels, 14 July 2010



Yesterday, a new High-Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies (KET) was officially inaugurated by the European Commission’s Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Vice-President Neelie Kroes and Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn.



Industrial biotechnology is one of the five Key Enabling Technologies selected by the Commission to be fostered under the remit of this high level group.  As such, it has been clearly highlighted as being exceptionally important in successfully managing the EU’s shift to a sustainable, low carbon, knowledge-based economy.



Ian Hudson, President of DuPont, EMEA, and Chair of EuropaBio’s Industrial Biotech Council, said: “We are very pleased that the Commission has taken this initiative making the more widespread application of Industrial Biotechnology an integral part of the EU Strategy for 2020.  These technologies are the right science at the right time.  They provide exactly the sort of smart, sustainable and inclusive solutions that the EU is seeking in order to strengthen its economy, protect its environment and to help improve the lives of its citizens”.



Historically, although the EU is a world leader in research and development as well as in the discovery of new techniques, processes and technologies, it has a weaker track record in commercialising the results

of its efforts.



Commenting on this challenge, Dr. Andre Koltermann, Group Vice-President of Süd-Chemie and EuropaBio representative on the High Level Expert Group said:  “We need to take a more strategic approach

towards deploying promising innovation in the field of biotechnology.  In addition, we must focus on the need to drive these innovations forward to commercial application. To do so, we will need regulatory courage

and commitment towards securing the funding of pilot and demonstration plants as well as “first-of-their-kind” production plants. We welcome the opportunity to help improve coordination of activities within this

sector between the EU and its member states. Developing an action plan of measures to tap into the full potential of the groundbreaking research in this area will play a central role in this. EuropaBio and its

members are committed to delivering the societal and environmental solutions offered by this promising technology for the benefit of Europe and Europeans. We look forward to working closely together with

the broad range of regulators and stakeholders brought together by this initiative to help deliver on these goals”.

For further information please contact:



Dirk Carrez

Director, Industrial Biotechnology, EuropaBio

Tel: +32 739 11 73; Email:  



Joanna Dupont Inglis

Communications Manager, EuropaBio

Tel: +32 2 739 11 84; GSM: +32 476 60 71 35 Email:


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