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EUROBAT publishes reports on Batteries for smart grids and rural electrification applications - 31 May


Tue, 06/04/2013


Innovation & Enterprise
Trade & Society

Contact Name:
Raquel Ponte Costa
Contact Phone:
+32 2 761 16 53
Release Date:
31 May 2013

Energy storage technologies will play a vital role in the development of a decarbonised power system in Europe. They are also fundamental for the electrification of rural and remote areas.

One week away from the EUROBAT Forum, the annual event of the Battery Industry in Europe, EUROBAT, the Association of European Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturers, issues two publications providing detailed information on the specific advantages of utilising Battery energy storage solutions to support the development of both smart grids and rural electrification systems:

  •     EUROBAT Paper: Battery Energy Storage for Smart Grids applications
  •     EUROBAT Guidance Document: Battery Energy Storage for Rural Electrification Systems 

The European Union’s long-term climate and energy policies place smart grids as the backbone of the future decarbonised power system in Europe. EUROBAT Smart Grid’s publication explains the potential contribution of Battery energy storage at all levels of the electricity grid: generation, transmission, distribution and customer. The paper reviews the four main battery technologies commercially available – Lead, Lithium, Nickel and Sodium-based batteries – and makes a series of recommendation for how their mass-market utilisation can be facilitated at a European level

Rainer Bussar (EXIDE Technologies), chair of the Taskforce leading this publication highlighted his satisfaction with the work of EUROBAT on this topic: “the growing share of renewable energy in today’s grids only emphasise the limitations of our current grid systems. Battery energy storage is one of the different technologies available in the market, with batteries distinguished by their scalability, mobility and flexibility. With this publication we hope decision makers, general society and customers in general have a better overview of the potential of Battery energy storage for smart grid applications.”

The second publication issued by EUROBAT this week focuses on increasing energy access in isolated rural areas, including in developing countries but also in small islands. The Guidance Document was drafted to help installers, operators of rural electrification systems, as well as public authorities, selecting the best battery technology for use in off-grid and mini-grid systems. Klaus-Dieter Merz (ABERTAX Technologies), chair of the Taskforce that compiled this document, explains the purpose of the report: “EUROBAT Guidance Document aims to enhance the knowledge about the combination of functions that Lead, Lithium, Nickel and Sodium-based batteries can provide across different types and sizes of rural electrification system, and across varying environmental conditions. We hope the paper will provide authorities in rural areas with concrete data to help them make an appropriate selection.”

Both publications will be officially released Friday next week, 7 June, in Rome, Italy, during EUROBAT’s annual event – the EUROBAT Forum. The first panel discussion of the event will focus on Battery technology solutions for new markets like smart grids and electro-mobility. Panelists will have the opportunity to share their views on the publications issued by EUROBAT, together with the audience. More information about the EUROBAT Forum is included on our website.

They are available for download on EUROBAT’s website: Printed copies are available upon request.



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