EUFORES General Assembly elects its new Board of Presidents
Brussels, 4th February 2010
New President of EUFORES is Claude Turmes, elected Vice-Presidents are
Fiona Hall and Anni Podimata. Former EUFORES President Mechtild Rothe has
been awarded the title of "EUFORES Honorary President".
The new Board of Presidents of EUFORES was elected in the European Parliament on 2nd
February 2010. EUFORES Presidents election is held within one year after the European
election, and only active Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) can be elected by the
parliamentary members of EUFORES.
Claude Turmes (MEP Luxembourg, Greens/EFA) is the new elected President of
EUFORES. After having held the position of Vice-President since 2003, he is now continuing
the work of former EUFORES President Mechtild Rothe. Referring to the role of EUFORES
he said: “EUFORES offers a special network whose link to the national Members of
Parliament is of great importance. To bring those different actors together is one of
EUFORES major strengths.”
Fiona Hall (MEP UK, Liberal & Democrats), has been re-elected Vice-President of
EUFORES, a position she has held since 2008. “EUFORES is a great opportunity to stay
committed to renewable energy sources which - besides helping to combat climate change
and increasing energy security - offer such great economic potential.”
Completing the Board of Presidents, Anni Podimata (MEP Greece, Socialists & Democrats)
has been elected Vice-President. Among other she emphasised the great team spirit of the
EUFORES team as well as pointing out: “EUFORES is a cross-party network. And cross-
party support is absolute essential to obtain strong policies in the renewable and energy
efficiency sectors.”
During the General Assembly meeting, Mechtild Rothe was awarded the title "Honorary
President” of EUFORES. She was President of EUFORES from 2003-2010 and a Member
of the European Parliament from 1984-2009. The General Assembly thanks her for all the
years of dedication to EUFORES and her inspiring work for a sustainable energy future.
Mechtild Rothe stressed the very positive development of EUFORES during the last years: “I
would really like to thank Jan Geiss, Secretary General of EUFORES, for his great
commitment over the last years.”