EU on the way towards a more energy efficient building stock
EU on the way towards a more energy efficient building stock
Tapping into the savings of the existing stock potential
On 13 November 2008, the European Commission published its proposal for a recast of the Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive as part of its package on Energy Security.
RICS fully supports the Commission’s objective to strengthen the provisions of the current Energy Performance
of Buildings Directive and to provide more clarity in a number of areas.
After all, buildings and construction works have the largest single share in global resource use and pollution
emission. The use of energy efficient technologies, changing peoples’ behaviour and an increased use of renewable
energies are some of the tools available to encourage lower energy use. The key challenge is to encourage consumers,
business, industry and governments to require and to opt for efficiency. The disproportionate role of buildings as
contributors to climate change is largely a legacy of the way homes and offices have been constructed over the last
few decades. With buildings accounting for more than 40 % of all CO2 emissions, RICS believes the EU has an
important role to play in ensuring energy efficiency in the built environment.
Despite the fact that now 22 Members States have fully implemented the Directive, the recent RICS implementation
report “Towards an Energy Efficient European Building Stock” clearly illustrated that Member States have been facing
considerable practical difficulties – partly due to the fact that the Directive deals with a very complex sector
with a multitude of actors but also due to vague provisions in the actual legislation.
Removal of the 1000m2 threshold for major renovations of existing buildings
The business case for implementing energy efficiency measures within new building projects has been powerfully
made during recent years. However, more than half of the existing stock in the EU is constructed prior to 1970
which means that most of the buildings that will exist in 50 years and later are here already. The abolition of
the 1000m2 threshold for major renovation will remove barriers to tackling the greatest challenge – making the
existing stock more energy efficient and thereby fully seizing the untapped potential embedded in existing buildings.
Promotion of low and zero energy buildings
Commission has taken the right steps towards stimulating an increased uptake of low and zero carbon buildings by
requiring Member States to draw road maps with clear definitions. With the consumer in mind we feel that it is
crucial for the Commission to work on common definitions of what constitutes a ‘low and zero energy’ building to
avoid confusion of the public.
Public awareness and communication
Raising public awareness and communication play a key role in instigating change. Energy certificates need to be a
truly meaningful tool.
Therefore, RICS welcomes the Commission’s move towards making it compulsory for Member States to initiate targeted
information campaigns.www.rics.org
In addition, the requirement of making the certificate available at the time of marketing of the building either
for sale or for rent will not only alert the client to the respective performance of a property but will also lead
to estate agents recognising this as an important feature of the transaction process.
Increasing the number of buildings required to publicly display the certificates and making the recommendations an
integral part of the certificate will further underline the significance of the certificate.
RICS sees the introduction of mandatory random quality control mechanisms as an essential element in ensuring
consumer confidence.
Public buildings leading the way
The recast of the Directive means public buildings have an exemplary role to play. Governments and public
authorities need to put their own house in order by rolling out energy efficiency measures in their own building
stock. Implementation of the recast for public buildings will therefore be brought forward to 31 December 2010 as
supposed to 31 December 2012 for all other buildings.
Penalties for non-compliance
In future the Commission will require Member States to enact stringent controls and enforce fines in case of
non-compliance. RICS feels that this is absolutely necessary if the legislation and the issues of energy saving
are to be taken serious both by Member States and EU citizens.
Next steps
Against the background of European elections coming up in May, it is highly unlikely that the current Parliament
will start work on the legislation and that a rapporteur will be appointed which means it is going to be up to the
Swedish Presidency to lead the negotiations.
RICS and its expert members will continue to be actively involved in the discussions.
Further information:
Laura Lindberg
RICS Corporate Communications
67, Rue Ducale
1000 Brussels
T +32 (0)2 739 42 27
F +32 (0)2 742 97 48