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EU-Russia relations: Russian actions threaten to derail new cooperation agreement


29 Aug 2008


Justice & Home Affairs
Central Europe
Global Europe
EU Priorities 2020

Ahead of the emergency summit of EU leaders that will take place in Brussels on Monday 1st September 2008 to discuss the future of EU-Russia relations, in view of the conflict between Russia and Georgia, ELDR Party President, Annemie Neyts, stated

The opening of talks in July for a new cooperation agreement between the EU and Russia should have marked the beginning of enhanced cooperation between the two partners that would be mutually beneficial, but Russia’s actions in Georgia and continued military presence there threaten to derail this process.

President Neyts calls for the EU to play the leading role in negotiating an end to the conflict between Russia and Georgia. “Russia shares its western border with several EU member states as well as others that aspire to join the Union. Through diplomatic means, the EU is best placed to play an active role in negotiating the immediate withdrawal of the remaining Russian troops from Georgia and safeguarding the future peace and stability of the region and quality of life of its people.

Annemie Neyts concluded that it is vital the EU has a common strategy and speaks with one voice on its future relations with Russia if its actions are to be truly effective.