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EU to reform for its people, not its Member States


13 Mar 2017


Global Europe

EFA receives the Gabor Aron Prize 2016 in Transylvania


“The European Free Alliance does not see the usefulness of the growing centralism in the EU. We promote decentralization and real autonomy. More power to the Peoples and nations. To ensure the uniqueness of each European nation and with full respect for the slogan of the European Union: unity in diversity.”

During his acceptance speech for the Gabor Aron Prize 2016, EFA Vice President Wouter Patho (N-VA) stressed out the need for a substantial EU reform so that it can accommodate the needs of its people and not the EU capitals. The ceremony took place in Marosvásárhely/Targu Mures on Friday evening, concluding the events around the Szekler National Day. 


Earlier that day, a few thousands of Szekler Hungarians took the streets of the city, demanding that Bucharest respects their human rights and consider the legitimate demand for Transylvanian and Szekler autonomy.

EFA together with member Hungarian People’s Party of Transylvania (EMN) and the Szekler National Council also organized a press conference in Koloszvar/Cluj the next day, urging the Romanian authorities to de-criminalize the efforts of the Hungarian minority for self-determination and to follow European common practice in the field of decentralization and automomy.


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