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EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, an important step forward


Euro & Finance
Global Europe
Leading S&D MEPs today welcomed the signing of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and will now examine the final text in detail. The S&D Group fights for a progressive trade agenda focused on sustainable growth and jobs that benefits citizens and workers.
Pedro Silva Pereira MEP, S&D Group rapporteur for the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement said:
“Today’s signature is an important step forward. It is now up to the European Parliament, which has been closely involved in the monitoring of these negotiations, to analyse the final text and to listen to all the stakeholders before having the final say.
“In challenging times for the global trading system, the Socialists and Democrats want the EU to shape trade relations based on the rule of law and sustainable development, not the law of the jungle. That is why we fought for a strong sustainable development chapter that includes a specific review clause for the future improvement of the enforcement mechanisms of this chapter. We also welcome the fact that the agreement entails a binding commitment for Japan to ratify the two remaining International Labour Organization (ILO) core Conventions. We now expect Japan to show clear and concrete progress towards the ratification of these Conventions, as Canada has done following the agreement on CETA.
“A good trade agreement is one that delivers on sustainable growth, jobs and that brings benefits for citizens and companies. We will continue to do our part to ensure that this is the case.” 
 Alessia Mosca MEP, S&D Group spokesperson for trade said:
“In the stormy waters of global trade, the EU once again is trying to forge a strategic alliance with a likeminded partner. With the conclusion of economic partnerships with Singapore, Canada, Japan, Mexico and Vietnam, Europe is quickly filling the vacuum left by the US. Our value based trade policy has never been so attractive. The EU, by taking advantage of the momentum, is strengthening its role as the leading standard setter worldwide.”
"The European Parliament has carefully scrutinized the deal during the negotiations and we will now assess the final text in even more detail. The time to deliver on the commitments made by Japan on sustainable development has come. The EU and Japan now have the chance to show the world that trade is not only about economics. European trade agreements must deliver on sustainability and harness globalisation.” 


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