ESMIG and EURELECTRIC report on latest Smart Meter developments


Thu, 12/13/2012


Innovation & Enterprise
Trade & Society

Workshop in Brussels updates EU governments and industry on installation progress, and addresses security and privacy concerns.

Brussels – 13 December 2012 – ESMIG, the European Smart Metering Industry Group, and EURELECTRIC, which represents the electricity industry across Europe, jointly hosted a workshop on 6 December to review the latest developments in the ongoing process of Smart Meter deployments across the continent.

In a full day of presentations and discussions, key speakers from ESMIG and EURELECTRIC, as well as a range of high-level representatives from the European Commission, associated companies and regional authorities discussed the major issues surrounding introduction of Smart Meter systems across the continent. The key questions under consideration included: are European Smart Meter roll-outs on track; and what is the best approach to handle privacy and security issues?

The workshop was held at EURELECTRIC’s headquarters in Brussels and the 102 delegates were welcomed by Gunnar Lorenz, Head of Networks Unit at EURELECTRIC. Opening remarks were delivered by Frank Hyldmar, ESMIG’s President, while the presentations and discussions were chaired and moderated by John Harris, Head of ESMIG’s Regulatory and Governmental Affairs, and VP of Landis + Gyr, a developer of metering systems for energy measurement solutions for utilities.

Manuel Sanchez Jimenez, Program Manager Smart Grids at the European Commission, gave the meeting a status update on the roll-out and cost-benefit analyses of Smart Metering in EU Member States. He commented: “We are now at the point where we need to pass from traditional consumer information to their empowerment. During 2013 the expert group 2 (EG2) of the Smart Grids task force coping with the regulatory recommendations for data safety, data handling and data protection aims to issue a data protection impact assessment template and a benchmarking report on the roll-out of Smart Metering in the EU. ”

Three European case studies as well as the Distribution System Operator-based roll-out business case were given by Robert Denda, from Endesa, the largest electric utility company in Spain; Pierre Mallet, director of innovation at ERDF; and Johan Söderbom, from Swedish power company Vattenfall´s Program on Smart Grids.

Söderbom concluded, “In Sweden the Smart Meter investment has been positive and has generated financial benefits from the original business case close to EUR 8 million per year. It has so far generated financial benefits from extended business cases of around EUR 2.5 million per year.”

Howard Porter, ESMIG’s International Alliances Director commented on “Consumer Engagement”, and a panel discussion followed between Government and industry representatives, including Dirk Marginet from VREG (Flemish Regulator for Electricity and Gas), Rosie McGlynn of Energy UK, and Edwin Edelenbos from the office of Energy Regulation, Netherlands.

The second session entitled Data Privacy and Security: Between Myths and Reality was chaired by Thomas Weisshaupt from Cinterion and addressed the issues of privacy and security. The conference heard related presentations from Willem Strabbing, Managing Director of ESMIG, Johan Rambi, from Alliander, and Valérie Lorgé from the DG Energy at the European Commission.

The final session was a panel discussion, which considered the proposition Customer Smart Data and Privacy: a Golden Trio? Speakers included Zoe McLeod from Consumer Focus, Eirini Zafeiratou, Vodafone, Neil McGuinness of ESB Networks, Kyriakos Gialoglou from the EC’s DG of Health and Consumers.

The workshop material is available here:

Notes for editors:


EURELECTRIC represents the common interests of the electricity industry at pan-European level. Our current members represent the electricity industry in over 30 European countries, including all EU member states. We also have affiliates and associates on several other continents.

EURELECTRIC’s mission is to contribute to the development and competitiveness of the European electricity industry, to provide effective representation, and to promote the role of electricity in the advancement of society. Its three major objectives are: delivering carbon-neutral electricity in Europe by 2050; ensuring a cost-efficient, reliable supply through an integrated market; and developing energy efficiency and the electrification of the demand-side to mitigate climate change.

More information at


The European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) is the European industry association that provides knowledge and expertise on Smart Metering and related communications at a European level. ESMIG's members are the leading companies in the European Smart Metering Market: meter manufacturers, IT companies, communications product and service providers and system integrators. ESMIG covers all aspects of Smart Metering, including electricity, gas, water and heat measurement. Member companies cover the entire value chain from meter manufacturing, software, installation and consulting to communications and system integration. By giving support to European Union Institutions, Member States and Standardisation Organisations, the industry group aims to assist in the development of national and European-wide introduction, roll-out and management of Smart Metering solutions.

ESMIG is an Official Associate of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign:

For further information contact:

ESMIG Secretariat

Phone: +32 2 7068271, Fax: +32 2 7068250


European Smart Metering Industry Group

Boulevard A. Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels, Belgium