EPP Group Study Days in Marseilles: Euro and Arab Spring on the agenda
The future of the Euro, economic governance and possibilities of Treaty changes will be at the centre of discussions at the Study Days that the EPP Group in the European Parliament, the most influential political grouping in the European Parliament, will hold in Marseilles (France) on Wednesday 7 December and Thursday 8 December, on the eve of a crucial Summit for the future of the Eurozone.
On Thursday morning, MEPs will discuss the preparation of the European Summit with Jean Leonetti, Minister to the Secretary of State, Foreign and European Affairs (France). With François Baroin, French Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs, they will debate financial regulation as a means to tackle the financial crisis.
Jean-Claude Gaudin, Mayor of Marseilles and President of the UMP Group in the Senate, Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group, Wilfried Martens, President of the European People's Party, and Jean-Pierre Audy MEP, Chairman of the French Delegation of the EPP Group, will open the Study Days with welcome addresses on Wednesday.
The first morning of debates will focus on the Arab Spring and the democratic awakening in the Mediterranean. On the second morning, MEPs and other participants will discuss economic governance, financial regulation and possible Treaty changes but also how to fight against the volatility of raw material prices.
Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission (Industry and Entrepreneurship), European Commissioners Dacian Cioloş (Agriculture and Rural Development), Michel Barnier (Internal Market and Services), and Günther Oettinger (Energy), will participate alongside Algerian and Moroccan Ministers and Youssef Amrani, Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean.
For more information on the Study Days, click here.
The European People's Party will also hold its Congress and its traditional Summit of Heads of State and Government of the EPP political family at the Parc Chanot in Marseilles. EPP Group Chairman Joseph Daul will lead the delegation of the EPP Group which will participate in this very important event.
More information on the EPP Congress.
For further information:
Kostas Sasmatzoglou, European People's Party Spokesman, Tel: +32-2-2854147 (EPP Party Congress)
Javier Jiménez, European People's Party Press & Communications Officer, Tel: +32-475480446 (EPP Party Congress)
Marion Jeanne, EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-479-840293 (Study Days)
Notes to Editors:
The EPP Group is Europe's largest political grouping with 272 Members in the European Parliament, including 29 French Members.