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EPP Group calls on EU leaders to stop cheap populism and learn from the young generation


14 Sep 2016


EU Priorities 2020

“For Europe’s youth, Europe is the hope for a better future. The young don’t want to tear Europe apart. Their motto is: we are proud of our country and we are Europeans. Unity instead of division!”, said Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, during the debate on the State of the Union in the European Parliament today. For the upcoming Bratislava Summit, Manfred Weber called on EU leaders to stop the fighting: “Be gone with cheap populism. Please start assuming your responsibilities! Stop blaming Brussels at home for decisions that you took yourselves. Politicians must be convinced of something, they must strive for it. They can learn a lot from this enthusiastic young generation who reminds them that Europe is wonderful."

“The EPP Group will defend the European way of life”, Weber continued. “We stand for security. We want effective data exchange, a European entry-exit system and an efficient European border guard that protects us all. The EPP Group stands for solidarity. We say Yes to the fair burden-sharing of refugees. We stand for economic strength. We say Yes to the Juncker Plan, to more stimulus for investment in Europe, innovation and research."

"We fight for fair taxes for all companies. Everyone has to pay their fair share, not only ordinary citizens and craftsmen, but also rich internet giants. It's about Europe's future. We want to pass this wonderful Europe on to our youth. The EU should offer every young European an InterRail ticket for their 18th birthday, enabling them to discover the beauty and diversity of Europe over three weeks within a two-year period.”

"The EPP Group stands for honesty", Manfred Weber also underlined. "Turkey is an important partner and we want friendship with our neighbour. However full EU membership cannot work", he concluded.


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