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Energy Efficiency Framework: The Only Way Forward is Up


Wed, 06/28/2017

Press Statement

Brussels, 28 June 2017



For more information, please contact:

Shradha Abt, Energy Efficiency Manager Tel. +32 2 626 20 90


Energy Efficiency Framework: The Only Way Forward is Up


On the 26th June, the Energy Council reached its negotiating position towards the Parliament on the revisions of the Energy Efficiency Directive and Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Member States pushing to make the planet great again should be commended, but in the end the Council failed to agree adequate levels of ambition, and make buildings the driver of the energy transation.

The Council agreed a 30% Energy Efficiency target for the period 2020-2030, but in the spirit of compromise some heavy duty concessions had to be made, inter alia, deletion of a binding target, the Article 7 on Energy Efficiency Obligations Schemes no longer contains a 2050 perspective, lowering of the 1.5% annual savings to 1% after 2026, and even enhancing flexbilities up to 35% (instead of the previous 25%).

The symbol matters but so do the tools to deliver it. 43% of measures under Art 7 are aimed at the building sector, so far these have been short term measures. The removal of the 2050 horizon discourages investment measures targetted at long term savings which are instrumental to reach a near zero energy and fully decarbonised building stock by 2050” commented Jan te Bos, Director General Eurima.

In the General Approach on the Energy Performance of Building Directive, the Council weakened one of the most important tools to upscale energy renovation, the long term renovation strategies.

In Europe, to honour the Paris Agreement, two thirds of the global GHG emissions need to come from Energy Efficiency and most of it lies in our existing buildings. This means that energy renovation needs to be seen as a strategic choice for investors, the construction sector and consumers. Every year lost on speeding up energy renovation compromises the end goal and the multiple benefits.

”For this we need decisive political will on efficiency legislation including clear milestones in the renovation strategies, giving the construction products sector the regulatory certainty on what it needs to contribute by 2030, 2040 and 2050 ” Said Jan te Bos, Director General Eurima. ”Ultimately, we must not forget that the role of buildings goes beyond kWh/m2/year, it is about health, well being, and every citizens’ fundamental right to live and work in safe and comfortable home.”

Eurima looks to, and counts on the European Parliament grab the efficiency batons with both hands to ensure a strong negotiationg mandate towards the Council, and set the enabling framework for a ‘nearly zero energy’ building stock by 2050.



Background Information


Eurima is the European Insulation Manufacturers Association, representing the interests of all major mineral wool insulation producers throughout Europe. Eurima members employ over 21,000 people across Europe with the installation of insulation products accounting for an estimated 300,000 man-years.

Eurima members manufacture mineral wool insulation products. These products are used in residential and commercial buildings as well as industrial facilities. Glass and stone wool insulation secure a high level of comfort, low energy costs and minimised CO2 emissions. Mineral wool insulation prevents heat loss through roofs, walls, floors, pipes and boilers, reduces noise pollution and protects homes and industrial facilities from the risk of fire.

For further information on energy efficiency in buildings, please visit:


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