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Enel and Consumers: a thousand cases resolved


Fri, 04/16/2010


Health & Consumers

Second National Conciliation Workshop in partnership with consumers’

Rome, April 1st 2010 – Conciliation brings Enel closer to its customers. Adopting this
method, working in partnership with consumers’ associations, has made it possible to
settle some thousand disputes in the space of one year.
The figures emerged over the course of the “2nd National Conciliation Workshop”,
organised by Enel with input from over a hundred conciliators.
All Enel’s domestic customers have access to conciliation. To date, a thousand cases
have been settled over a network of 560 points of contact and 100 conciliators from
regional branches of consumers’ associations working hand-in-hand with 50 Enel
Any customer of Enel Servizio Elettrico or Enel Energia, who is not satisfied with the
response to a written complaint, can turn to any one of the 17 consumers’ associations
that have signed up to the Enel agreement to resolve the issue.
The conciliation procedure can be used for the majority of disputes arising from issues
associated with billing, for complaints about power reductions or interruption of supply
due to late payment, for over charging or bills that differ markedly from the average and
in the event of double billing, making it possible to settle such disputes rapidly, simply
and at no charge.
Participants in the workshop included the management team from the Electricity and Gas
Authority’s Quality and Consumer Service and the 17 CNCU (National Consumer Council)
member consumers’ associations that are signatories to the agreement with Enel: Acu,
Adiconsum, Adoc, Adusbef, Altroconsumo, Assoutenti, Casa del Consumatore,
Cittadinanzattiva, Codacons, Codici, Confconsumatori, Federconsumatori, Lega
Consumatori, Movimento Consumatori, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino, Unione Nazionale
Consumatori, Verbraucherzentrale Sudtirol - Centro Tutela Consumatori Utenti.

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