The EL demands the immediate release of Paul Murphy and the activists of the freedom flotilla for Gaza
After the dramatic outcome of the Israeli operation against the freedom flotilla of the 31st of May this year and the diplomatic pressures to prevent the departure of new ships, destined to carry aid to the population of Gaza, the Israeli government remains persistent in its repression against militants for peace.
Last Friday the Israeli army has captured the ships Le Saoirse and Le Tahrir, which were loaded with medication for the people of Gaza, and imprisoned the militants that were onboard. Among them was also Paul Murphy, a member of the European Parliament.
We have been informed about violent practices carried out towards the militants and elected representatives. They were even denied the right to contact their families within the first 24 hours following their arrest, which is guaranteed under Israeli law.
The EL firmly condemns these methods and demands the immediate release without condition of the activists of the Gaza freedom flotilla, held in the prison of Givon.
The EL reminds that an end to the repression and colonization as well as the recognition of a Palestinian state are preconditions for peace in the Middle East.