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EHPM workshop on the Novel Food Regulation: follow up


Thu, 07/08/2021


Agriculture & Food

On 1 July 2021, EHPM hosted its online Workshop on the Novel Food Regulation in Practice: Pitfalls and Perspectives for Businesses and Consumers. The outstanding line-up of speakers thoroughly delved into the main elements and consequences of this regulation from the regulatory, FBOs' and consumers' perspectives.

90 attendees from food business operators, national associations, companies, EU stakeholders, but also EU institutions representatives and national authorities could hear the insightful keynote speeches from the panelists. Rafael Perez Berbejal (European Commission DG SANTE) delivered a speech on the Novel Food Regulation, the background of its revision and details about its implementation, which was followed by a comprehensive presentation on the key legal and regulatory aspects and their implications for the food supplements market reality, by Harald Dittmar (BDIH Director & EHPM Board Member) and Tobias Peschel (BDIH Legal Advisor).

The keynote speeches were followed by a dynamic and animated round table moderated by the EHPM Director General, Livia Menichetti, during which Federica Dolce from Safe Food Advocacy Europe provided a reality check from consumers’ perspective and Joris Geelen (Manager and Regulatory Expert at Food Law Consult) highlighted the major implementation issues and doubts companies face when dealing with the Novel Food Regulation.

This event was a concrete example on how EU decision-makers, stakeholders representing industry and consumers can sit around the table and discuss such critical regulatory issues.

In closing the event, EHPM’s DG highlighted the need to foster such discussions and exchanges between industry, consumers and the institutions at European and national level. In fact, only through these forms of engagement and a bottom up approach, the EU regulatory framework will be able to evolve.

Consumers safety, high-quality standards and truthful information to consumers that will allow informed choices are the heart of the EHPM’s and its members’ missions and objectives. EHPM commits to creating other opportunities of constructive exchanges.

For more information on the event, please do not hesitate to contact the EHPM Secretariat at




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