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Effective implementation of energy efficiency measures


Tue, 08/27/2013


EU Priorities 2020

An effective implementation of energy efficiency measures requires more harmonisation and integration

A report "Improving and Implementing National Energy Efficiency Strategies in the EU Framework" has now been published by the Energy-Efficiency-Watch project. The report comprises results of policy screening of all 27 National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs) and a survey with national experts assessing the level of ambition and the state of implementation of national energy efficiency policies. This report summarises findings from both analyses and draws conclusions for the further improvement of energy efficiency policies. It also includes 27 country reports which present findings per Member State.

Integrated and effective policy packages needed

Based on a set of assessment criteria, Wuppertal Institute and Ecofys screened the NEEAPs of all EU Member States. They especially focused on an effective governance framework, comprehensive sectoral policy packages, good practices, policy gaps and key barriers. Ralf Schüle (Wuppertal Institute) explained that "despite considerable progress made in the buildings sector and energy-efficiency public procurement, measures addressing different sectors are often not well aligned with each other or lack a clear design in terms of their implementation at the Member State level. An effective implementation of the measures introduced by EU Directives requires a higher degree of harmonisation and integration." Stefan Thomas (Wuppertal Institute) continued: "Crucial steps towards an integrated and effective policy package are the establishment of institutions and infrastructures that promote energy efficiency, such as energy or climate protection agencies, t he establishment of energy efficiency obligations and/or energy efficiency trusts or funds and the creation of favourable framework conditions for energy services." According to him, these elements provide the administrative infrastructure and the funding framework for most of the sector-specific policies and measures that are needed to address barriers to energy efficiency and stimulate energy efficiency markets.

Surveying the ambition and the status of implementation in EU27

The survey on the level of ambition and the status of implementation of energy efficiency policies in EU Member States was conducted between March 2011 and September 2012. 655 questionnaires collected and around 80 interviews done with experts showed an enormous disparity among Member States in the levels of ambition of their energy efficiency policies. "In some Member States, it is the recognition of the economic, social, political and environmental benefits of energy efficiency that drive ambitious legislation and funding programmes. However, there are other Member States that just do the bare minimum required by the European Directices," commented Christiane Egger from the O.Ö. Energiesparverband who was the project leader of the survey. A large number of experts stressed the crucial role of EU legislation in driving national energy efficiency policies.

Reality reflecting findings

Unique reports assessing the quality of established governance frameworks, the consistency of sectoral policy packages and the status of implementation of national energy efficiency policies are all available. In addition to this, a brochure presenting good practice examples from various sectors is available in all 21 languages of the EU. "The aim of Energy Efficiency Watch was to build up knowledge via interviews with national experts and policy screening and reflect the current situation in policy implementation in all 27 EU Member States. The policy analysis done in the NEEAPs screening and survey processing showed a big difference between what the policy papers say and what the reality in EU Member States is," added Jan Geiss, EUFORES Secretary General and coordinator of the Energy-Efficiency-Watch project.

Background information

The NEEAPs screening and the survey were carried out within the framework of the Energy-Efficiency-Watch project which aims to facilitate the implementation of the Energy Services Directive. The project is coordinated by EUFORES and cofunded by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme.

To download the full report, see the Energy-Efficiency-Watch web site



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