Athens, 22 February 2014EDF Board meeting gathered together representatives from EDF member organisations around Europe. The first of the two days of the meeting opened with a European conference focusing on the implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities and structural funds.Opening the conference, the Greek Deputy Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, V. Kegkeroglou, referred to the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by Greece and the real challenges in its implementation. V. Kegkeroglou underlined that citizens with disabilities must fully enjoy their rights at equal basis as all the other citizens, in all areas of life: employment, access to information etc.
On behalf of the Greek National Confederation of Disabled People, its Vice-President, Thomas Kleisiotis, talked about the fights of the Greek disability movement to protect the families of persons with disabilities from the crisis and the austerity measures.
EDF President, Yannis Vardakastanis, highlighted the importance of 2014 for the European Union and its member states, as the upcoming EU elections will reform the synthesis of the European institutions. “These elections are not just a typical procedure but an essential one and their result will have an important impact on each Member State of the EU”, said Yannis Vardakastanis calling on EDF member organisations to use EDF manifesto to campaign at national level for the key priorities of the disability movement.
The Head of Unit, Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development of the European Commission, Wladyslaw Piskorzm, highlighted the important contribution of EDF to the European Commission’s work. He ensured that the European Commission is revising the partnership agreements from the countries paying attention that they include measures for persons with disabilities.
Photos of the meeting are available here.
Lila Sylviti
European Disability Forum | nothing about us without us
tel +32 2 282 46 04 | fax +32 2 282 46 09
lila.sylviti@edf-feph.org - www.edf-feph.org