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ECPC Launches Second Edition of The Nutrition and Physical Activity Awareness Month


Fri, 03/01/2019


Health & Consumers
1 March 2019, Brussels, Belgium:
Building on a highly successful campaign in 2018, the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) is pleased to announce the launch of its second Nutrition and Physical Activity Campaign. 
Celebrated every year in March, the Nutrition and Physical Activity Awareness Month is aligned with the American National Nutrition Month, a nutrition education and information campaign held annually by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
ECPC remains steadfast in its belief that nutrition and physical activity can positively impact the well-being of people living with cancer. ECPC believes in the value of empowering individual patients and patient organisations by producing more information on cancer patients’ nutritional needs. 
Following last year’s campaign, ECPC launched the “Living Well During Cancer Treatment” educational booklet on 1 June 2018. The patient guide, currently available in both English and Romanian, studies the impact of nutrition and physical activity on cancer treatment and rehabilitation. 
Antonella Cardone, the Director of the European Cancer Patient Coalition, stated that “With healthcare systems moving away from a ‘one size fits all’ approach, it is essential to promote the individualisation of dietary counselling and the adaption of nutritional plans.” Ms. Cardone further emphasised that ECPC will pursue its efforts to raise awareness on the importance of an individual approach to nutrition and physical activity for people with cancer.
Join ECPC in promoting Nutrition and Physical Activity Awareness Month by following on twitter, facebook and joining the hashtag #recipeagainstcancer !
About the European Cancer Patient Coalition
ECPC is the largest European cancer patients' umbrella organization. The ECPC is the voice of cancer patients in Europe. With over 400 members, ECPC is Europe’s largest umbrella cancer patients’ association, covering all 28 EU member states and many other European and non-European countries. ECPC represents patients affected by all types of cancers, from the rarest to the most common.
About the Nutrition and Physical Activity Awareness Month
The Nutrition and Physical Activity Awareness Month is celebrated every year in March. It is dedicated to increasing awareness on the importance of nutrition and physical activity for people with cancer.
The European Cancer Patient Coalition gratefully acknowledges the support of Baxter, Celgene, Eli Lilly & Co, and Helsinn. The scope and the content remain the sole responsibility of the European Cancer Patient Coalition. 
For more information, please contact Isabelle Manneh, Head of Health and Research programmes, and main author of theLiving Well During Cancer TreatmentPatient Booklet:
Follow us on twitter: @cancereu 
Follow the Twitter conversation: #recipeagainstcancer 


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