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Economic recovery packages should help Etsy sellers weather short and long-term threats of the pandemic


08 May 2020



As EU governments actively work on economic recovery measures to help struggling workers and businesses manage the global COVID-19 pandemic, millions of self-employed and independent workers are at risk of not being included in these vital relief efforts. This includes the majority of Etsy sellers, who are primarily businesses of one.

Etsy been actively urging UK and European governments to make sure that any COVID-19 stimulus package includes comprehensive support for the self-employed and microbusinesses, including direct cash assistance, expanded unemployment protection, and protection of business-critical services like delivery, payments, and internet connectivity.

COVID-19 is continuing to impact almost all aspects of our lives and the broader economy. We have mobilised our seller community to influence the US stimulus bill. I have sent individual letters addressed to the leaders of the European institutions, as well as EU and UK finance ministers, urging them to take a swift and coordinated approach to ensure that microbusinesses and the self-employed are a key part of economic recovery packages across the EU and UK.

European governments are working on national economic recovery measures to help struggling workers and businesses. The problem? They’re on the large part considering solutions for employees and traditional small businesses, but not the self-employed microbusinesses who make up the majority of Etsy sellers. Etsy is urging EU and UK lawmakers to take action and include our community. I invite you to read the letter and stand with European microbusinesses.


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