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EASEE-gas adapts its mission and structure to embrace change


Thu, 04/23/2020



EASEE-gas steers in new direction with a focus on diversified membership, greater participation of members and new innovative services for the gas sector. EASEE-gas members voted for new mission and articles of association and new membership segmentation following the annual general meeting of members held virtually this year.

The new mission of the association is to deliver efficient and harmonised solutions that support business processes across the different actors in the gas value chain. The association will also work to facilitate the transition to a sustainable and integrated energy system in Europe.

Peter Meeuwis, Chairman of the EASEE-gas Board of Directors, said, “EASEE-gas was established in 2002 as an association representing the whole gas value chain and since then it has delivered key solutions for a more efficient European gas market and will continue to do so. However, it was time for us to re-evaluate our way forward, become more open and work even more closely together with all gas players to keep up with the changes in the sector and to ensure that gas plays its role in the energy transition.” 

Under these changes, the EASEE-gas membership structure will become more flexible allowing members companies to be listed in all business segments they are active in while paying just one membership fee. This will ensure better member representation in the decision-making process and will encourage greater participation in the activities of the association. 

Membership is now also open to prosumers, who are active energy consumers both consuming and producing energy and whose number is currently increasing on the market.

Peter Meeuwis added, “The health crisis we are experiencing nowadays reminds us how reliant we are as a modern society on a diversified energy mix, including gas, which safeguards our daily comfort brought by electricity, heating and cooling. We, at EASEE-gas, will continue to develop solutions to support all actors in the gas value chain collaborate and communicate more efficiently and securely for a well-functioning European gas market at all times.” 


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