e-Skills for jobs 2014 project joins International Girls in ICT day
Mon, 04/28/2014
BRUSSELS (April 24th 2014) - Women are under-represented in ICT jobs across Europe. They represent less than 30% of the ICT workforce as a whole, and only 19% of ICT managers. Only 9% of European app developers are women and they account for just 20% of computing graduates.
This means that women are failing to take advantage of the huge economic potential ICT offers. In order to revitalize the economy and promote employment, Europe needs to re-skill its workforce more generally, but among women in particular.
Despite the economic downturn, digitization created 6 million jobs globally in 2011 (BOOZ&Co 2012). This was due to the massive uptake of ICT across all industries. New emerging technologies such as Big Data analytics, mobile applications and internet of things are reshaping the labour market and hold the highest job creation potential of all.
ICT jobs are for everyone, and it is time business and educators come together to help girls see they can excel in IT and that IT opportunities are waiting for them.
This is one of the core objectives of the e-Skills for jobs 2014 campaign, an initiative of the European Commission to raise awareness on how digital skills can boost our economy and our lives.
Coordinated by DIGITALEUROPE and European Schoolnet (a network of European Ministries of Education), e-Skills for jobs brings together partners across 30 countries to involve girls in ICT from primary schools to workplace programs.
Here are some of the initiatives under way to try to reverse the trend of under-achievement in ICT among women:
- Dedicated company visits - programmes such as Girls’ Day with e-Skills, promoted by Cisco in Germany or the Technogirls (www.technogirls.be) programme in Belgium
- IT competition, like the ADA Awards (http://adaawards.com/) digital girl category and the upcoming Kodu Kup Europe (www.kodukup-europe.org)
- School holiday camps organized in Denmark for girls aged 15-19, using computing facilities in Danish universities
- National celebrations in Hungary (www.lanyoknapja.hu) , Czech Republic (girlsday.cz), Slovakia (www.ajtyvit.sk/girlsday), Poland (www.dziewczynynapolitechniki.pl) and Lithuania.
More information on Girls’ Day celebration on e-Skills for jobs 2014 partners European Center for Women and Technology website: http://www.womenandtechnology.eu/
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