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Draft bill for Scotland's 2nd independence referendum: a sneak preview of a bright future


Fri, 10/21/2016


UK in Europe

If approved, the bill could allow Scotland to remain in Europe


The European Free Alliance hails the start of the consultation process for the draft bill for a 2nd Scottish independence referendum. It is another proof that the Scottish government, led by EFA member SNP, operates in a clear, transparent and democratic way, aiming to protect the interest of the Scottish people and of those who consider Scotland their home.

Although an independence referendum is not yet certain, the proposed bill provides the Scottish parliament the possibility to organize one if it considers that it is the best approach to safeguarding Scotland's interests after the EU referendum. The bill also gives a clear picture of the inclusive society an independent Scotland would have, by providing British, Commonwealth and EU citizens residing in Scotland the possibility to vote. 

Most and above all, the proposed bill safeguards the clear will of the people in Scotland to remain a part of the European Union and the single market. EFA calls upon Westminster to respect this clear mandate and either facilitate the efforts of the Scottish government or at least provide its consent for the possibility of a new independence referendum.