De Gucht will be a credible and committed commissioner
The European Parliament today held hearings with several new commissioners replacing former members of the College of Commissioners who have taken up other positions.
Commenting on the debate with Karel De Gucht, Belgium's commissioner designate to replace Louis Michel as development commissioner for the remainder of the current Commission's mandate, Charles Goerens (PD, Luxembourg) ALDE spokesperson on the EP Development Committee said:
"Karel de Gucht demonstrated that he is a qualified, credible and committed actor for the thorny dossier of development cooperation."
"He is a worthy successor to Louis Michel from whom he picks up the baton" and whose proactive approach was praised by Charles Goerens.
Mr. Goerens also called for "coherence and complementarity" in the Commission's actions in this field in order to highlight real chances of development in a world facing a serious crisis."
For more information, please contact:
Neil Corlett: +32-2-284 20 77 or +32-478-78 22 84
e-mail: neil.corlett@europarl.europa.eu
Edel Rettman-Crosse: +32-2-284 31 28 or +32-498 16 17 80