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COGEN Europe Awards recognise innovation in EU CHP sector


Fri, 04/04/2014



Fortum, Dalkia Hungary and the University of Warwick were honoured by the European cogeneration sector yesterday during the 2014 COGEN Europe Annual Dinner for their outstanding contributions to the industry.

The annual COGEN Europe Recognition Awards acknowledge individuals and organisations for their achievements in developing, applying and promoting cogeneration, and demonstrate the strengths and skills of the cogeneration sector in the EU.

Fortum won the 2014 Market Development Award for its substantial CHP portfolio deployment in the Baltic Rim region last year. Håkan Grefberg, Vice-President Strategy and Business Development at Fortum Power & Heat, said “we see considerable opportunities for CHP in certain markets and have added to our portfolio four CHP plants in four different countries: Klaipeda CHP in Lithuania (the first operational waste-to-energy plant in a Baltic country), Jelgava (now the largest bio-fired CHP in Latvia), the Järvenpää bio-CHP plant in Finland and the Brista waste-CHP plant in Sweden”.

Dalkia Hungary also received the Market Development Award for its Pannon-Hö, biomass-fired CHP plant connected to the district heating network of the city of Pécs. Jean-Luc Bohic, Technical Director for the CEE region at Dalkia Hungary, said "our biomass-fired cogeneration, a first in Hungary, uses agricultural byproducts. The model we have been able to implement in Hungary demonstrates that cogeneration linked with agricultural policy can be a sustainable energy production method".

The Technology/Innovation Award 2014 went to the University of Warwick for the central role it gives to CHP in its energy and carbon strategy. Joel Cardinal, Head of Energy and Sustainability at the university Estates Office, said "our CHP and district heating scheme is one of the largest in the UK. We now have a 16 km district heating network delivering low-pressure hot water to 60% of the site’s buildings, and our 4 CHP engines have a cumulative capacity of 4.6 MWe – together saving in excess of 5,000 tCO2pa. I am pleased to announce that a new 4 MWe Energy Centre with a further two engines will open in 2014, bringing the total to 8.6MWe”.

Last night’s ceremony was held at the prestigious Bibliothèque Solvay in the heart of Brussels’ EU quarter. For more information about the 2014 COGEN Europe Annual Conference and Dinner, please click here.


For more information please contact:
Andrew Williams, Communications Manager
Tel: +32 2775 90 71

Follow us on Twitter: @COGENEurope



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