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COCERAL, Copa-Cogeca, FEDIOL and FEFAC welcome comprehensive overview of protein crops used for feed purposes in the EU


12 Apr 2017


COCERAL, Copa-Cogeca, FEDIOL and FEFAC welcome comprehensive overview of protein crops used for feed purposes in the EU.

Brussels, 11 April 2017

The  European  Commission  published  for  the  first  time  on  April  10  a  comprehensive  EU protein balance sheet. The EU  protein balance sheet  2015/2016  is an overview of total EU production, consumption and trade of all marketable sources of proteins used in animal feed production. Next to well-known protein-rich materials such as soybean meal, rapeseed meal and pulses, the balance sheet includes sources with lower protein content like cereals. The balance sheet shows the total protein needs in the EU, with EU production of cereals and oilseeds  (i.e.  derived  rapeseed  and  sunflower  meal  through  domestic  crushing)  providing the bulk of raw protein requirements. It also confirms the strong need to import protein-rich sources such as soybean meal and soybeans for EU crushing. It should be clear that the different  vegetable  protein  sources  have  different  nutritional  profiles  and  cannot  be substituted for each other. 

Reacting to the publication, COCERAL, Copa-Cogeca, FEDIOL and FEFAC appreciated the Commission  efforts  to  develop  a  dedicated,  independent  tool  to  monitor  the  balance  of demand  and  availability  of  protein  crops  in  the  EU, which  will  contribute  to  market transparency and help operators to better understand market developments. This allows for informed discussions and an assessment of potential changes to the agricultural sector and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), non-agricultural uses like biofuels, phytosanitary and trade and anti-dumping policies which could affect the availability of protein sources for EU livestock  farmers  as  well  as  increase  dependency  on  imports. Assured  and  predictable access to a strategic supply of proteins to  meet demand and to feed farm animals is crucial for the competitiveness and resilience of the EU feed and livestock sector. The Commission has indicated that a second EU protein balance sheet will be published after the summer of 2017 once data are available for the whole marketing year 2016/17, which will contribute to the discussions within the scope of the European cereals, oilseeds and protein crops market observatory. 


Notes to the editor:

1.  COCERAL is the European association of trade in cereals, rice, feedstuffs, oilseeds, olive oil, oils and fats and agrosupply. It represents the interest of the European collectors, traders, importers, exporters and port silo storekeepers of the above mentioned agricultural products. COCERAL’s  full  members  are  21  national  associations  in  15  countries  and  1  European association [Unistock]. With about 3500 companies as part of COCERAL national members, the  sector  trades  agricultural  raw  materials  destined  to  the  supply  of  the  food  and  feed chains, as  well as for technical  and energy uses. COCERAL has 1 associated member in Switzerland and 2 European Associations (EUROMALT and EUROMAISIERS). Gafta is an extraordinary  member  of  COCERAL.  Contact:  Teresa  Babuscio,  Secretary-General,  Tel. +32.2.502 08 08, 

2.  COPA  AND  COGECA  are  the  united  voice  of  farmers  and  agri-cooperatives  in  the  EU. Together,  they  ensure  that  EU  agriculture  is  sustainable,  innovative  and  competitive, guaranteeing  food  security  to  half  a  billion  people  throughout  Europe.  Copa  represents nearly 23 million farmers and their families whilst Cogeca represents the interests of 22,000 agricultural cooperatives. They have 66 member organisations from the EU member states. Contact:  Pekka  Pesonen,  Secretary-General,  Tel.  +;  Amanda  Cheesley, Press Officer, Mobile: +32(0)474.84.08.36, 

3.  FEDIOL  -  The  EU  vegetable  oil  and  protein  meal  industry  association,  represents  the interests  of  the  European  oilseed  crushers,  vegetable  oil  refiners  and  bottlers.  FEDIOL members  are  12  national  associations  and  associated  company  members  in  5  other  EU countries.  With  about  180  facilities  in  Europe,  the  sector  provides  20,000  direct employments.  Its  members  process  approximately  55  million  tonnes  of  basic  products  a year,  both  of  EU  origin  and  imported  from  third  country  markets.  The  sector  processes notably rapeseed, sunflower seed, soybeans and linseed into oils and meals for food, feed, technical  and  energy  uses  essentially  on  the  European  market.  Contact:  Nathalie  Lecocq, Director General, Tel. +32.2.771.53.30, 

4.  FEFAC, the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation, represents 24 national Associations in 23 EU Member States as well as Associations in Switzerland, Turkey, Serbia, Russia and Norway  with  observer/associate  member  status.  The  European  compound  feed  industry employs  over  100,000  persons  on  app.  3,500  production  sites  often  in  rural  areas,  which offer few employment opportunities. Contact: Alexander Döring, Secretary-General, Tel. +,



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