Clear Visa Rules for Neighbourhood Policy
In the framework of yesterday´s debate at the European Parliament on European neighbourhood policy, the members focused on the most recent EU visa agreements with Georgia and Russia.
Nathalie Griesbeck (Modem, France) ALDE rapporteur on visa agreements and on readmission for illegal residents between Georgia and the EU said: "These two agreements are a very important breakthrough in relations between the European Union and Georgia; it sends a strong signal which will facilitate the establishment of friendly relations between the countries concerned but also and especially between European citizens and Georgians. On a larger scale, this process of deeper relations between the European Union and Georgia will encourage Georgia to put into place the necessary reforms in the area of liberty, security and justice."
"I regret that the European Parliament has been so little involved and informed on the opening and progress of the negotiations in view of the signing of such agreements and wish that the European Commission inform the Parliament of the results of the implementation of the agreements, in applying the principle of loyal cooperation between the institutions" she concluded.
On a related matter, questioning the Commission concerning recent evidence showing that the EU-Russia visa facilitation agreement, in force since June 2007, is still not fully implemented in a completely reciprocal way, ALDE spokesperson on Russia Kristina Ojuland (Reform Party, Estonia) said "we fully support the visa waiver agreement as a measure to enable Russian citizens to travel to the EU with minimum formalities, but we would expect the Russian side to apply the same standard to our citizens. We must ensure that the current requirement for EU citizens to register within three days with the authorities if staying in a private home in Russia is abolished."
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