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A clear cut procedure for energy label verification open to all manufacturers


30 Jun 2009

Brussels, 30June 2009: European household appliance manufacturers have developed and agreed on a fast and efficient programme to verify the correctness of the energy labels of each others’ products. The programme is named Bilateral Verification Procedure (BVP).

The BVP establishes a protocol for companies to challenge energy label declarations in a structured and objective way. It accelerates the correction of inaccurate declarations on the energy labels with the aim of ensuring that remedy actions are undertaken as soon as possible and without waiting for the full deployment of legal procedures.

Appliances are tested at external laboratories that have been recognized by the participating companies and CECED, the European domestic appliance manufacturers’ association. In cases of inaccurate declarations, the companies will face financial penalties, will have to correct the erroneous labels and inform their business partners accordingly.

“There is a lack of enforcement activity from authorities which is distorting competition and jeopardising energy saving targets. With the BVP producers want to show authorities and consumers that even with limited resources, market surveillance is manageable in an effective and reasonably quick way and we ask for the same level of responsibility from authorities.” said Luigi Meli CECED Director General. “To ensure a level playing field and to meet ambitious energy efficiency targets it is essential that all actors on the market declare their products correctly. If this is not established the labelling risks becoming meaningless.”

All CECED direct member companies that are producing energy labelled appliances have signed the BVP. The current signatories are now encouraging any other actor who sells or manufactures appliances under its own brand to also join the BVP.

For further information please contact:

Mr. Luigi Meli

CECED Director General

Tel: +32 (0)2 706 8290

